Cable Plows have revolutionized the manner in which we bury underground cables. The machine pulls along a sharp blade which slices through the ground ahead of a metal chute which places the cable at the specified, desired depth. We have several cable plows that will match any situation that we could possibly encounter.
The cable plows are also utilized to pull pipes and conduits through the ground. This is accomplished by attaching an "expander" behind the plow blade to expand the ground and allow a pipe of particular size to be pulled through. This technique minimizes the mess compared to an open excavation or trenching and causes much less environmental disturbance.

Vibrator Plow
A vibratory plow that installs pipe and cable by direct burial procedure.
Vibrator plows are popular for projects where it is important to limit surface disturbance (like your landscape). When material is pulled into the ground using this installation method, turf damaged is significantly less than when open-cut methods are used, like trenching.
Depending on soil conditions, turf disturbance often is limited to a small slit left by the path of the blade. Surface restoration is much faster and cleaner than filling in open trenches. When our West Union Trenching clean up crew has worked their magic your yard will look as if we were never there!
Typical uses for Vibrator Plows include:
- Irrigation and lawn-sprinkler systems;
- Water and natural gas pipe;
- Telephone and television cable;
- Wire for "invisible" dog fencing.